The latest iteration of the previously named 'Waikato Regional Facilities Plan' has been published. 

The purpose of the 2021 Waikato Regional Active Spaces Plan (the Plan) is to provide a high-level strategic framework for play, active recreation and sport facilities and spaces and places planning and optimisation across the region. It provides direction on what should be done and crucially, what should not be done. The Plan focuses thinking at a network-wide level with emphasis on national, regional and sub-regional assets, while also capturing local level facility data.

This 3rd iteration Plan takes a wider lens on spaces and places for physical activity than previous iterations by focusing on spaces and places where play, active recreation and sport occur. The Plan has been expanded in scope in response to changing participation trends and preferences that indicate the need to better understand and provide for opportunities to play and actively recreate in the Waikato region, as well as to align with the focus of Moving Waikato - the region’s strategy for play, active recreation and sport. In doing so, the Plan includes a focus on the regional network of play infrastructure and active recreation and physical activity facility provision for running/walking and recreational cycling alongside spaces and places for sport.

The goal of the 2021 Waikato Regional Active Spaces Facility Plan continues to ensure a greater proportion of facilities are affordable, efficient, effective and sustainable in delivering more movement opportunities through play, active recreation and sport for the Waikato region. There is also a focus on optimising the current facilities stock. The Plan includes a full inventory audit as well as analysis of school facility provision, and can be used to understand the wider facility network opportunities.

Following a review of progress since 2014, this 2021 Plan continues to focus beyond facility development and priorities. It includes initiatives that, in addition to new infrastructure (Facility Developments), optimise the network of facilities and the planning and provision of spaces and places. The 3rd iteration supports and focuses on collaboration, partnerships, community hubs (benefits of co-location and shared services) and increases attention on provision for play and active recreation. Importantly it maintains focus on the planning and decision-making process to guide good stakeholder decision making and investment.

View the Summary Plan
View the Full Plan

Waikato Regional Active Spaces Plan helps drive decision making in facilities, places and spaces

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