We have learnt that a wide variety of specific actions are required to make an impact – however the most important action step is a commitment to planning.

Here is a thought – how much time does your committee spend on Volunteer Planning?  Is it a regular agenda item along with other key agenda items?

This commentary popped up recently:

“Often, I ask committees to consider how hard their organisation would work to deliver on a donation/sponsorship of $20,000 versus the gift of $20,000 worth of people’s time. Over and over I hear that the cash would be welcomed, and the volunteering gift largely ignored. It’s a mental challenge that sees the donated hour as less valuable than the donated dollar.

Those who lead and manage volunteers (Committees) need to get better at influencing and effecting change within their organisations.”                             Abrv: Posted March 3, 2016 by Rob Jackson


Sport Waikato in conjunction with EXULT have been running a series of WORKSHOPS focusing on recruiting and retaining volunteers that we would encourage members of your organisation attend. 

Learn about the significant shifts in how and why helpers and volunteers will gift their time, how to engage with them, how to keep them and the many small ways in which you can thank them. The workshops are insightful, practical and will add clarity to the range of initiatives required for an effective volunteer plan.

What people are saying about the workshops:        
  • A key learning was that we need to invest time into job descriptions for our volunteer roles.
  • A Volunteer Manager/Coordinator is a must fill position.
  • Sensible, practical practices to put in place provided by a dynamic and inspiring presenter.
  • Do not underestimate the power of a great volunteer team. Good planning and well thought out volunteer initiatives will make a significant impact on your organisation.
Two further Volunteer workshop dates have been confirmed as follows:-
Tuesday 22nd October
5.30pm – 8pm
Jack McLean Recreation Centre, Thames High School
Thursday 31st October
6pm – 8.30pm
Brian Perry Sports House, Wintec Rotokauri Campus, Hamilton
Further detail on these workshops will be advertised on the Sport Waikato website and Facebook page. Contact Alan McDonald for more information alanm@sportwaikato.org.nz

Making it easy for people to volunteer: planning is key

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