As we head into an unprecedented time for our country I wanted to touch base with you all to both extend my well wishes to you and your families, as well as to inform you that Sport Waikato staff are all now working remotely with all Sport Waikato offices closed until further notice.

At this present time, we are working on how we can effectively continue to deliver some of our services and stay connected with our key partners and stakeholders using online virtual formats to provide support during this time.

This is going to be a trying time for all of us – but an absolutely necessary one. What we do now in this moment will have an impact on the speed at which our country recovers – and that includes our people’s ability to get back into sport and active recreation. So stay home, keep your distance from others and access only essential services when needed. At Sport Waikato we encourage you and your whaanau to look after each other – look after your mind, body and soul in this difficult time.

Sport Waikato will be releasing tips, ideas and videos to help keep you all active (and sane!) during this difficult time.

Stay well, stay safe, and stay active.

Matthew Cooper
Sport Waikato CEO

Be kind, stay home, save lives

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