Category Sports Clubs

District Hamilton

Operational Date Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri

Programme Overview

We run children’s, youth and adult kickboxing, boxing,, self defence, karate (Goju Ryu) and Kobudo (traditional weaponry) classes and ju jitsu each night of the week, 5pm - 9.00pm. Top quality instruction, fitness, gradings, tournaments, events, national camps, officiating, master fighter classes, self defence and private lessons are available.

San Bu Kai Martial Arts is a registered charitable trust and is one of the most diverse Martial Arts Schools in the country, covering both Traditional Martial Arts and Modern Fighting Sports. Established in 1981 by Terry Hill, it is the longest surviving martial arts organisation in Hamilton. Terry has trained hundreds of people over the years to gain fitness, well-being, black belts/dans, New Zealand and world titles, certification as referees and judges and has achieved all of those things himself. San Bu Kai is also heavily into the study and research of the history and traditions of Ancient Martial Ways, along with the scientific development of modern Combat Sports.

For beginners, you will receive one on one instruction in a fun and friendly atmosphere. For the serious student of Martial Arts and those who wish to compete in the various Combat Sports, this organisation may well hold the key to unlimited success in your journey into the Martial Ways.

Students $15/week  Adults $20/week

Terry Hill 8th dan Goju Ryu 44 years Martial Arts Chief Instructor for Goju Ryu Karate Do New Zealand, President of NZMMA,F Executive Member of NZMAI, Executive Member of NZKFWSA, was also Head of Officials for IKBF, a UFC Referee and Judge, and is a WLF Referee and Judge, K1 Referee and Judge, WBA Judge, Certified International Sanda Judge, Certified International Karate, Kickboxing and MMA Referee and Judge. His karate instructors include Clive Wadham (4th dan), Luke Hill (Nidan), Rowan Brickell (Shodan) and kickboxing instructors Luke Hill, Kooms Peters and Chris Vollebregt.

Monday 5pm - 8pm
Tuesday 5pm- 8pm
Wednesday 5pm - 8pm
Thursday 5pm - 8pm
Friday 6pm - 8pm

Students $20/week Adults $25/ week, Family Discounts

Suitable for beginners.
Junior Programme
Runs a programme specifically catered to children.
Caters for Women or Girls
This program caters for women.
