Category Sports Clubs

District North Waikato

Operational Date Mon

Programme Overview

Scouting, Cubs and Keas is not just about knots, woggles and big shorts, and it's not just for boys either! Did you know that Dan Carter was a Cub scout? Many famous sports people, astronauts and politicians got their start in life through Scouting and you can benefit too.

There are 16,000 young people in Scouting in New Zealand, spread across five sections: Keas, Cubs, Scouts, Venturers and Rovers. Each section has its own balanced programme of activities, badges and awards.

Keas - 5-8 Years

Kea Clubs provide safe and nurturing environments for children to have fun and develop their creativity... As a Kea you will interact with nature and learn to share through co-operation and teamwork. Keas meet weekly at local Scout Halls and engage in both active and quiet games, stories, creative crafts, play-acting and singing. The Kea motto is: 'I Share, I Care, I Discover, I Grow.' As a Kea you will:
  • have lots of fun and go on awesome adventures
  • play heaps of games and make lots of friends
  • earn Award badges
  • learn the Kea Promise and Motto
  • learn to sing the Kea Song and Kea Yell
  • take part in National Events such as Keas Day, Founders Day and Mudslide Day ________________________________________

Monday 6:30 - 8:00pm

$75.00 for one child $65.00 second child $50.00 for children of Leaders Joining fee: $25.00

Suitable for beginners.
Disabled Access
Facilities are accessible to people with a disability.
Disabled Programme
Programme is suitable for those with a disability.
Junior Programme
Runs a programme specifically catered to children.
Caters for Women or Girls
This program caters for women.
