Sarah Ryan

Sarah Ryan

Professional Learning Partner (Primary)

07 858 5388

021 907 984

“I am an absolute F45 addict! I love the team training vibe, the atmosphere and the way I feel when it’s over! It’s my little piece of time for myself and the friendships I have made in that place are invaluable. Outside of this, reformer Pilates is a new love as well as any sport my son is partaking in!
I am inspired by the way being active makes me feel. I am a better human being for being active! For me, being active is far more about the mental benefits than the physical.”
Sarah helps build teacher confidence, challenge current thinking and practice, and provide teachers with the tools to use physical education, sport and physical activity as a vehicle to drive greater wellbeing/hauora outcomes for tamariki. She supports school leaders and teachers to better plan and implement the Health and Physical Education and Hauora Curriculum, identifying, developing and supporting opportunities for quality physical activity experiences for tamariki wellbeing. 
