Category Sports Clubs

District North Waikato

Operational Date Sat, Sun

Programme Overview

Junior Surf is a Surf Life Saving New Zealand programme for 7 – 13 year olds. The purpose of a junior surf programme is to provide:

  • Beach education
  • Learn surf swimming skills including wading, duck diving, body surfing and boogie boarding.
  • Beach skills include sprints, beach flags and relays.
Competent swimmers who complete a safety swim test (details below) will also be taught board paddling and tube rescues. These skills are sometimes taught through games and direct instruction.

Each session will contain a mix of these things. There are occasions when the surf is too big or too cold that we will not have a water session for the safety of the children and parent helpers.

Suitable for beginners.
Junior Programme
Runs a programme specifically catered to children.
Caters for Women or Girls
This program caters for women.
